Dec 20, 202412 min read
"I don't know where to start"
This is a statement I have heard several times from seeking, new and sometimes even Christians who have been "checking the boxes" for a...
May 30, 20242 min read
Here's A Tough Reading Recommendation
My Pastor, Joseph Thompson, shared an article with me today that caused me to stop and go into a time of prayer for our churches and...
May 28, 20246 min read
A True Servant
Christopher F. Millett (November 7, 1966 - May 14, 2024) It seems fitting that we would honor our friend and brother in Christ, Pastor...
May 14, 20241 min read
Kingdom Partner - Grace Medical Home
We are so fortunate to have Grace Medical Home as a Kingdom Partner here in Orlando and we love their mission "To be a medical home...